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'#'+parent_id+' .sc_scroll_prev' : false, scrollbar: '.'+id+'_bar', scrollbarHide: true, }) // VC hook obj.data('settings', {mode: 'horizontal'}); } // Slider navigation function junotoys_sc_prepare_slider_navi(slider) { "use strict"; var navi = null; // Prev / Next // Remove condition in the line below if you need add click handler to next/prev buttons if (false) { navi = slider.find('> .sc_slider_controls_wrap, > .sc_scroll_controls_wrap'); if (navi.length == 0) navi = slider.siblings('.sc_slider_controls_wrap,.sc_scroll_controls_wrap'); if (navi.length > 0) { navi.on('click', '.sc_slider_prev,.sc_scroll_prev', function(e) { var swiper = jQuery(this).parents('.swiper-slider-container'); if (swiper.length == 0) swiper = jQuery(this).parents('.sc_slider_controls_wrap,.sc_scroll_controls_wrap').siblings('.swiper-slider-container'); var id = swiper.attr('id'); JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['swipers'][id].slidePrev(); e.preventDefault(); return false; }) .on('click', '.sc_slider_next,.sc_scroll_next', function(e){ var swiper = jQuery(this).parents('.swiper-slider-container'); if (swiper.length == 0) swiper = jQuery(this).parents('.sc_slider_controls_wrap,.sc_scroll_controls_wrap').siblings('.swiper-slider-container'); var id = swiper.attr('id'); JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['swipers'][id].slideNext(); e.preventDefault(); return false; }); } } // Pagination with slide's title navi = slider.siblings('.sc_slider_pagination'); if (navi.length > 0) { navi.on('click', '.post_item', function(e){ var swiper = jQuery(this).parents('.sc_slider_pagination_area').find('.swiper-slider-container'); var id = swiper.attr('id'); JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['swipers'][id].slideTo(jQuery(this).index()+1); e.preventDefault(); return false; }); } } // Sliders: Pagination function junotoys_sc_change_active_pagination_in_slider(slider, idx) { "use strict"; var pg = slider.parents('.sc_slider_pagination_area').find('.sc_slider_pagination'); if (pg.length==0) return; pg.find('.post_item').removeClass('active').eq(idx).addClass('active'); var h = pg.height(); var off = pg.find('.active').offset().top - pg.offset().top; var off2 = pg.find('.sc_scroll_wrapper').offset().top - pg.offset().top; var h2 = pg.find('.active').height(); if (off < 0) { pg.find('.sc_scroll_wrapper').css({'transform': 'translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px)', 'transition-duration': '0.3s'}); } else if (h <= off+h2) { pg.find('.sc_scroll_wrapper').css({'transform': 'translate3d(0px, -'+(Math.abs(off2)+off-h/4)+'px, 0px)', 'transition-duration': '0.3s'}); } } // Sliders: Autoheight function junotoys_sc_slider_autoheight(slider) { "use strict"; if (slider.hasClass('.sc_slider_height_auto')) { slider.find('.swiper-slide').each(function() { "use strict"; if (jQuery(this).data('height_auto') == undefined) { jQuery(this).attr('data-height_auto', jQuery(this).height()); } }); } } // Sliders: Resize function junotoys_sc_sliders_resize() { "use strict"; var slider = arguments[0]!==undefined ? arguments[0] : '.sc_slider_swiper.inited'; var resize = arguments[1]!==undefined ? arguments[1] : true; jQuery(slider).each(function() { "use strict"; var id = jQuery(this).attr('id'); var width = jQuery(this).width(); var last_width = jQuery(this).data('last-width'); if (isNaN(last_width)) last_width = 0; // Change slides_per_view if (last_width==0 || last_width!=width) { var spv = jQuery(this).data('slides-per-view'); if (spv == undefined) spv = 1; var min_width = jQuery(this).data('slides-min-width'); if (min_width == undefined) min_width = 50; if (width / spv < min_width) spv = Math.max(1, Math.floor(width / min_width)); jQuery(this).data('last-width', width); if (JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['swipers'][id].params.slidesPerView != spv) { JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['swipers'][id].params.slidesPerView = spv; JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['swipers'][id].params.loopedSlides = spv; //JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['swipers'][id].reInit(); } } // Resize slider if ( resize && !jQuery(this).hasClass('sc_slider_height_fixed') ) { var h = 0; if ( jQuery(this).find('.swiper-slide > img').length > 0 ) { jQuery(this).find('.swiper-slide > img').each(function() { "use strict"; if (jQuery(this).height() > h) h = jQuery(this).height(); }); jQuery(this).height(h); } else if ( jQuery(this).find('.swiper-slide').css('backgroundImage')!='none' ) { h = Math.floor(width/16*9); jQuery(this).height(h).find('.swiper-slide').height(h); } } }); // Resize slider pagination area jQuery('.sc_slider_pagination_area').each(function() { "use strict"; var h = jQuery(this).find('.sc_slider').height(); if (h) { jQuery(this).height(h); jQuery(this).find('.sc_slider_pagination').height(h); jQuery(this).find('.sc_slider_pagination .sc_scroll_vertical').height(h); } }); } // Equal height for items in the row function junotoys_sc_equal_height() { "use strict"; jQuery('[data-equal-height]').each(function() { "use strict"; var eh_wrap = jQuery(this); var eh_items_selector = eh_wrap.data('equal-height'); if (eh_items_selector) { var max_h = 0; var items = []; var row_y = 0; var i=0; eh_wrap.find(eh_items_selector).each(function() { "use strict"; var el = jQuery(this); el.height('auto'); var el_height = el.height(); var el_offset = el.offset().top; if (row_y == 0) row_y = el_offset; if (row_y < el_offset) { if (items.length > 0) { if (max_h > 0) { for (i=0; i max_h) max_h = el_height; items.push(el); }); if (items.length > 0 && max_h > 0) { for (i=0; i scrollSkills) { skillsItem.addClass('inited'); var skills = skillsItem.parents('.sc_skills').eq(0); var type = skills.data('type'); var total = (type=='pie' && skills.hasClass('sc_skills_compact_on')) ? skillsItem.find('.sc_skills_data .pie') : skillsItem.find('.sc_skills_total').eq(0); var start = parseInt(total.data('start')); var stop = parseInt(total.data('stop')); var maximum = parseInt(total.data('max')); var startPercent = Math.round(start/maximum*100); var stopPercent = Math.round(stop/maximum*100); var ed = total.data('ed'); var duration = parseInt(total.data('duration')); var speed = parseInt(total.data('speed')); var step = parseInt(total.data('step')); if (type == 'bar') { var dir = skills.data('dir'); var count = skillsItem.find('.sc_skills_count').eq(0); if (dir=='horizontal') count.css('width', startPercent + '%').animate({ width: stopPercent + '%' }, duration); else if (dir=='vertical') count.css('height', startPercent + '%').animate({ height: stopPercent + '%' }, duration); junotoys_sc_animate_skills_counter(start, stop, speed-(dir!='unknown' ? 5 : 0), step, ed, total); } else if (type == 'counter') { junotoys_sc_animate_skills_counter(start, stop, speed - 5, step, ed, total); } else if (type == 'pie') { var steps = parseInt(total.data('steps')); var bg_color = total.data('bg_color'); var border_color = total.data('border_color'); var cutout = parseInt(total.data('cutout')); var easing = total.data('easing'); var options = { segmentShowStroke: true, segmentStrokeColor: border_color, segmentStrokeWidth: 1, percentageInnerCutout : cutout, animationSteps: steps, animationEasing: easing, animateRotate: true, animateScale: false, }; var pieData = []; total.each(function() { "use strict"; var color = jQuery(this).data('color'); var stop = parseInt(jQuery(this).data('stop')); var stopPercent = Math.round(stop/maximum*100); pieData.push({ value: stopPercent, color: color }); }); if (total.length == 1) { junotoys_sc_animate_skills_counter(start, stop, Math.round(1500/steps), step, ed, total); pieData.push({ value: 100-stopPercent, color: bg_color }); } var canvas = skillsItem.find('canvas'); canvas.attr({width: skillsItem.width(), height: skillsItem.width()}).css({width: skillsItem.width(), height: skillsItem.height()}); new Chart(canvas.get(0).getContext("2d")).Doughnut(pieData, options); } } }); } // Skills counter animation function junotoys_sc_animate_skills_counter(start, stop, speed, step, ed, total) { "use strict"; start = Math.min(stop, start + step); total.text(start+ed); if (start < stop) { setTimeout(function () { junotoys_sc_animate_skills_counter(start, stop, speed, step, ed, total); }, speed); } } // Skills arc init function junotoys_sc_init_skills_arc(container) { "use strict"; if (arguments.length==0) var container = jQuery('body'); container.find('.sc_skills_arc:not(.inited)').each(function () { var arc = jQuery(this); arc.addClass('inited'); var items = arc.find('.sc_skills_data .arc'); var canvas = arc.find('.sc_skills_arc_canvas').eq(0); var legend = arc.find('.sc_skills_legend').eq(0); var w = Math.round(arc.width() - legend.width()); var c = Math.floor(w/2); var o = { random: function(l, u){ "use strict"; return Math.floor((Math.random()*(u-l+1))+l); }, diagram: function(){ "use strict"; var r = Raphael(canvas.attr('id'), w, w), hover = Math.round(w/2/items.length), rad = hover, step = Math.round(((w-20)/2-rad)/items.length), stroke = Math.round(w/9/items.length), speed = 400; r.circle(c, c, Math.round(w/2)).attr({ stroke: 'none', fill: JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['theme_bg_color'] ? JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['theme_bg_color'] : '#ffffff' }); var title = r.text(c, c, arc.data('caption')).attr({ font: Math.round(rad*0.75)+'px "'+JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['theme_font']+'"', fill: JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['theme_color'] ? JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['theme_color'] : '#909090' }).toFront(); rad -= Math.round(step/2); r.customAttributes.arc = function(value, color, rad){ "use strict"; var v = 3.6 * value, alpha = v == 360 ? 359.99 : v, rand = o.random(91, 240), a = (rand-alpha) * Math.PI/180, b = rand * Math.PI/180, sx = c + rad * Math.cos(b), sy = c - rad * Math.sin(b), x = c + rad * Math.cos(a), y = c - rad * Math.sin(a), path = [['M', sx, sy], ['A', rad, rad, 0, +(alpha > 180), 1, x, y]]; return { path: path, stroke: color } } items.each(function(i){ "use strict"; var t = jQuery(this), color = t.find('.color').val(), value = t.find('.percent').val(), text = t.find('.text').text(); rad += step; var z = r.path().attr({ arc: [value, color, rad], 'stroke-width': stroke }); z.mouseover(function(){ "use strict"; this.animate({ 'stroke-width': hover, opacity: .75 }, 1000, 'elastic'); if (Raphael.type != 'VML') //solves IE problem this.toFront(); title.stop().animate({ opacity: 0 }, speed, '>', function(){ this.attr({ text: (text ? text + '\n' : '') + value + '%' }).animate({ opacity: 1 }, speed, '<'); }); }).mouseout(function(){ "use strict"; this.stop().animate({ 'stroke-width': stroke, opacity: 1 }, speed*4, 'elastic'); title.stop().animate({ opacity: 0 }, speed, '>', function(){ title.attr({ text: arc.data('caption') }).animate({ opacity: 1 }, speed, '<'); }); }); }); } } o.diagram(); }); } // Countdown update function junotoys_countdown(dt) { "use strict"; var counter = jQuery(this).parent(); for (var i=3; i=0; ch--) { counter.find('.sc_countdown_item').eq(i-3).find('.sc_countdown_digits span').eq(ch+(i==3 && v.length<3 ? 1 : 0)).removeClass('hide').text(v.substr(ch, 1)); } } } // Contact form handlers function junotoys_sc_form_validate(form){ "use strict"; var url = form.attr('action'); if (url == '') return false; form.find('input').removeClass('error_fields_class'); var error = false; var form_custom = form.data('formtype')=='form_custom'; if (!form_custom) { var rules = [], rule = {}; if (form.find('[name="username"]').length > 0) { rule = { field: "username", max_length: { value: 60, message: JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['strings']['name_long'] } }; if (form.find('[name="username"][aria-required="true"]').length > 0) rule['min_length'] = { value: 1, message: JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['strings']['name_empty'] }; rules.push(rule); } if (form.find('[name="email"]').length > 0) { rule = { field: "email", max_length: { value: 60, message: JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['strings']['email_long'] }, mask: { value: JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['email_mask'], message: JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['strings']['email_not_valid'] } }; if (form.find('[name="email"][aria-required="true"]').length > 0) rule['min_length'] = { value: 7, message: JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['strings']['email_empty'] }; rules.push(rule); } if (form.find('[name="subject"]').length > 0) { rule = { field: "subject", max_length: { value: 100, message: JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['strings']['subject_long'] } }; if (form.find('[name="subject"][aria-required="true"]').length > 0) rule['min_length'] = { value: 1, message: JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['strings']['subject_empty'] }; rules.push(rule); } if (form.find('[name="message"]').length > 0) { rule = { field: "message", max_length: { value: JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['contacts_maxlength'], message: JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['strings']['text_long'] } }; if (form.find('[name="message"][aria-required="true"]').length > 0) rule['min_length'] = { value: 1, message: JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['strings']['text_empty'] }; rules.push(rule); } error = junotoys_form_validate(form, { error_message_show: true, error_message_time: 4000, error_message_class: "sc_infobox sc_infobox_style_error", error_fields_class: "error_fields_class", exit_after_first_error: false, rules: rules }); } if (!error && url!='#') { jQuery.post(url, { action: "send_form", nonce: JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['ajax_nonce'], type: form.data('formtype'), data: form.serialize() }).done(function(response) { "use strict"; var rez = {}; try { rez = JSON.parse(response); } catch (e) { rez = { error: JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['ajax_error'] }; console.log(response); } var result = form.find(".result").toggleClass("sc_infobox_style_error", false).toggleClass("sc_infobox_style_success", false); if (rez.error === '') { form.get(0).reset(); result.addClass("sc_infobox_style_success").html(JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['strings']['send_complete']); var return_url = form.find('input[name="return_url"]'); if (return_url.length > 0 && return_url.val()!='') { setTimeout(function() { "use strict"; window.location.href = return_url.val(); }, 3300); } } else { result.addClass("sc_infobox_style_error").html(JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['strings']['send_error'] + ' ' + rez.error); } result.fadeIn().delay(3000).fadeOut(); }); } return !error; } // Get players by category function junotoys_select_players_category(sel) { var value = sel.find(':selected').data('cat'); var table = sel.parents('.sc_players_table'); if (value == 'all') jQuery(table).find('.sc_table tr:nth-child(n+2)').show(); else { jQuery(table).find('.sc_table tr:nth-child(n+2)').hide(); jQuery(table).find('.sc_table tr').each(function() { var cat = jQuery(this).data('cat'); if (cat != null && cat.indexOf(value)!=-1) jQuery(this).show(); }); } } // Display menuitem in the popup function junotoys_menuitems_show_popup(obj) { "use strict"; // First init vars if (typeof JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['menuitem_load'] == 'undefined') { JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['menuitem_load'] = false; JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['menuitems_list'] = []; // If busy - return } else if ( JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['menuitem_load'] ) { return; } // Show preloader jQuery('#page_preloader').data('bg-color', jQuery('#page_preloader').css('background-color')).css({display: 'block', opacity: 0, backgroundColor: 'transparent'}).animate({opacity:0.8}, 300); // Get items list on first click if (JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['menuitems_list'].length == 0) { var menuitems_list_id = obj.parents('.sc_menuitems').attr("id"); JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['menuitems_list'] = JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['menuitems'][menuitems_list_id].split(","); } var menuitem_id = obj.attr('rel'); JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['menuitem_load'] = true; jQuery.post(JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['ajax_url'], { action: 'ajax_menuitem', nonce: JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['ajax_nonce'], text: menuitem_id }).done(function(response) { "use strict"; JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['menuitem_load'] = false; var rez = {}; try { rez = JSON.parse(response); } catch (e) { rez = { error: JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['ajax_error'] + '
' + response }; } jQuery('#page_preloader').animate({opacity:0}, 500, function() { jQuery(this).css({display: 'none', backgroundColor: jQuery(this).data('bg-color')}); }); if (rez.error === '') { var delay = 0; // Create popup if (jQuery('.popup_menuitem').length == 0) { jQuery('body').append('
'); jQuery('#overlay').fadeIn(500); } else { delay = 500; jQuery('.popup_menuitem').fadeOut(delay); } // Add new content in the popup setTimeout(function() { jQuery('.popup_menuitem').html(rez.data); jQuery('.popup_menuitem .sc_menuitems_wrap').append(""); if ( JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['menuitems_list'].length > 1 ) { var idx = 0; for (var i=0; i" + "" ); } jQuery('.popup_menuitem').fadeIn(500); }, delay); } else { junotoys_message_warning(JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['strings']['search_error']); } }); } // Hide popup with menuitem function junotoys_menuitems_hide_popup() { "use strict"; jQuery('#overlay').fadeOut(); jQuery('.popup_menuitem').fadeOut(function() { JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['menuitem_load'] = false; JUNOTOYS_STORAGE['menuitems_list'] = []; jQuery('#overlay').remove(); jQuery(this).remove(); }); }